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  公司的宗旨是为用户提供优良的产品、优质的服务。我公司将竭诚为国内更多的用户提供世界一流的服务和一流的产品,这是公司发展的可靠保证,让客户满意是我们始终追求的目标.LEADLINE battery瑞士有限公司 是一家领先水平的工业级UPS制造商.总部设在瑞士的Wettingen在国际上的重要地区如中国、阿联酋、德国、印度、马来西亚、墨西哥、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、 .LEADLINE battery电源有限公司,成立于1946年,是一家位于瑞士Wettingen市的高品质UPS工程公司。LEADLINE battery公司致力于电力、石油、天然气、石化、化工等领域,专业制造工业用不间断电源(AC&DC)。LEADLINE battery公司的管理理念和工作程序,是从客户建议咨询!
LEADLINE Battery Company of Switzerland is a manufacturer engaged in industrial batteries for more than 50 years. It has offices in Malta, Luxembourg, Ireland and Sweden. For energy problems in different industrial fields, we can quickly provide suggestions, confirm and find new solutions. We are closely following the development of the battery industry and will always find new possibilities. In the field of battery energy in Europe, we are a good battery manufacturer.